Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2018



The main role of the Vena node network is to promote the liquidity of Vena Network, Vena node can use Vena SDK to customize and provide users with comprehensive transaction services including but not limited to lending, asset transactions, credit evaluation, contract plug-in transaction, etc., and earn profit by collecting fees.
Certified Vena Nodes need to have qualification as well as experience in micro-loan operation and abide by the laws, regulations, and policies of the place where they operate.
Certified Vena nodes shall deposit VENA Token as a guarantee according to a certain percentage in the Vena Foundation.
High Liquidity
Certified Vena nodes can put orders into shared liquidity pool, Vena nodes can share orders and earn fees by promoting transactions, and improve liquidity of transaction network by economic incentive of profit sharing.
Digital assets of users are kept in their wallets or locked in smart contract. Vena nodes do not hold digital assets of users, thus avoiding the moral hazard of platform running away. At the same time, it also greatly reduces the cost of safety required for asset deposit for nodes.
Juror Application
To join the Jury of Vena Network, it is needed to firstly submit an application to Vena DAO and provide proof of identity. After the application is approved, it is needed to participate in the online training and assessment of the Vena Jury.
The full set of arbitration software runs on the infrastructure built by Ethereum and IPFS. Through a simple user interface, the jurors can easily receive the evidence submitted by both parties and arbitrate.
Jury Network 
Jury network is applied to situations where smart contract is unable to deal with and it will submit results to smart contract.
Economic Incentive and Guarantee Deposit
In order to motivate the jurors to exercise the jury power properly, the jurors shall deposit a certain amount of VENA Token in Vena DAO
Exit Mechanism
An exit mechanism will be initiated when the circumstances occur during the contract term as follows: A. Jurors volunteer to exit B. Get fined more than 5 times during the contract term C. Vena DAO Committee determines that the juror has obvious misconduct (such as conspiracy to commit fraud)
1. Official launch of white paper & Vena Network website
2. Proof of concept & launch development
3. Community building in countries including the United States of America、China、Canada、Australia、Russia、etc.
1. Launch Public Sale
2. Release the official exchange beta version
3. Conduct targeted financing and lending business based on the official beta exchange
4. Open to application for Vena Nodes
1. VENA Token is listed in exchange
2. Open source SDK of Vena Network is available in github
3. Pilot run of official exchange and operation simulation
4. Vena 1.0 release
5. First Vena Node introduction
1. Vena 1.1 release
2. Fully develop the ecosystem, start the city partner program, and introduce 20+ Vena Nodes
1. Vena 2.0 release
2. Accelerate the expansion of global business, Introduce 50+ Vena Nodes
Ching: CEO
Jeremy: CTO
May: Operation Director
Yuanfei: CSO
Yoki: Product Director
Zed: Buissness Director
Amira: Overseas Market Manager
Yanxi Gu
Yang Zhao
Yongchao Zhai
Shawn Wang
Kong Huawei
For More Information Click Link Bellow:
Author: Yuni comel

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