Hallo all ... this time I will explain about a simple buying and selling process

What is MIRA?
Mira is an easy way to buy, store and send cryptocurrency. They want to make this process so simple that even the most inexperienced users start using it in minutes.
The key element of this service is a MiraBox formatted file file that stores tokens or files. Now every user can buy and store cryptocurrency, it will be as simple as downloading and sending files.
How Does MIRA Work?
Mira's solution is very easy to understand. Mira will operate a software suite where one has the option to choose one of three types of MiraBox containers. A container is simply an encrypted file that can only be opened by using a password, and (if applicable) qualifies a smart contract.
Here are three (3) types of containers that MiraBox offers:
- NominalBox - container for only one (1) cryptocurrency. This container is the easiest and cheapest way to buy crypto.
- MultiBox - a container for some crypto power and option to add documents up to 25MB.
- SmartBox - MultiBox with smart contract integration. Smart contracts are basically one or more embedded set of conditions that must be met before the SmartBox container can be opened and accessed.
Because the MiraBox container is a file, they can be stored on your computer, sent by e-mail, or stored on a device that stores files.
The Mira platform represents a decentralized service, so potential unauthorized access to infrastructure elements will not allow attackers to access MiraBox content. As cryptographic algorithms used for encryption are used: AES-256 and ECC-Secp256k1, which can protect MiraBox files from reliably
Primary details
- Token: MIRA
- Total supply: 30 770 000 MIRA
- Available for sale: 24 000 000 MIRA
- Currency received: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH
- Token listing: TBA, we are currently in initial conversation with the exchange
- Start: 27.11.2017
- End: 29.11.2017
- Sale: 3 300 000 MIRA
- Soft cap: No
- Hard cap: $ 1.98 million
- Token Price: $ 0.6
- Minimum purchase amount: ~ 100 USD
- Maximum purchase amount: No
- Available for sale: 24 000 000 MIRA
- Soft cap: $ 5.0 million with Pre-ICO
- Hard cap: $ 20.0 million
ICO Price: Discounts will decrease as cost increases:
- 4 500 000 MIRA = $ 0.7
- 4 500 000 MIRA = $ 0.8
- 4 500 000 MIRA = $ 0.9
- 7 200 000 MIRA = $ 1.0
- Minimum purchase amount: ~ 100 USD
- Maximum purchase amount: No
Who are the Teams in the MIRA Project?
- mitry Baday - Director GeneralDmitry has the experience of building IT departments from scratch in some big companies. Managing Ctrl-V Mining Club Partners.
- Nikita Novozhilov - CFONikita has more than 3 years experience in private banking, is a portfolio manager.
- Ernest Shekolian - ChiefTechnical Information Technology Candidate, Ernest has more than 25 years of experience in back-end development.
- Evgeniy Babichenko - Chief Engineer DAppArchitect DApp, smart contract developer. He has extensive experience in machine learning, IoT development, Embedded C, SQL, C ++ \ C and Python.
- Andrey Skriptsov - Executive DirectorAndrey has more than 9 years of business management, including 5 years as head of development department and IT department. Founder of several charity projects. Managing Partner at Ctrl-V Mining Club.
- Nadezhda Scherba - Development Director ofHope has more than 10 years experience as a development director, including 6 years of successful management of his own business, experienced in building partnerships with China's premier ownership.
- Vitaly Manshin - Marketing DirectorVitaliy specializes in marketing IT projects, SEO, analytics, contextual advertising. More than 5 years of business management advertise.
- Yevgeny Radchenko - Technical Consultant for BlockbusterOver 20 years in the field of information technology. The last 5 years are really focused on blockchain. In 2013, along with Sergey Lonshakov, he founded Bitfork-Develop. Since 2015, Airalab's director for the management of production activities.
- Taras Yemelyanenko -Blockchain specialist technical consultant Taras has extensive experience in cooperation with services such as BitcoinStore, blockchain.info and many others.
- Alexander Ivanov -Technical Consultant Specialist in areas such as Blockchain, R & D, IoT. Senior R & D Officer at 482.solutions.
- Misha Ho - Art DirectorMikhail has web design experience (UX / UI) and works as an art director - more than 10 years working with brands such as IKEA, LG, Tuborg, Fosters, Yandex, Rambler, Mail.ru and others. company and start up.
- for more information please follow us here:
- site: https://miralab.io/
- whitepaper: https://miralab.io/Mira_WhitePaper_EN.pdf
- Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1350925
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