Hallo all ... Here I will explain about what is BITCOIN2 for more details let us refer to this articel

Bitcoin 2 is a scalable Bitcoin fork with private transactions and instant verified payments. It is open source, anonymous, fast and is based on "Proof of Stake" algorithm. has come up with several bounties to help promote Bitcoin 2. A total of 100,000 BTC2 is allocated for the bounty campaign.
Payout is one Bitcoin 2 per stake unless a campaign total of more than 100,000 stakes is reached.
in that case payout will be 100,000 BTC2 / TOTAL CAMPAIGN STAKES * YOUR STAKES. has come up with several bounties to help promote Bitcoin 2. A total of 100,000 BTC2 is allocated for the bounty campaign.
Payout is one Bitcoin 2 per stake unless a campaign total of more than 100,000 stakes is reached.
in that case payout will be 100,000 BTC2 / TOTAL CAMPAIGN STAKES * YOUR STAKES.
The last day of submitting all your entries is June 28 2018 (23:59 GMT). Entries after that will not be eligible for payment.
All payments will be made by jackleszz on March 30, April 30, May 30 and June 30. 2018. Ask him directly if you have any payment related queries.
All payments will be made by jackleszz on March 30, April 30, May 30 and June 30. 2018. Ask him directly if you have any payment related queries.
General Terms & Conditions:
1. Provide a valid email address during every registration(s) in order to be able to claim your BTC2.
2. Please post all your activities on this thread, on a weekly basis for your work to be counted and stakes to be claimed.
3. Using multiple accounts, cheating, or spamming are not allowed and will result in termination of your bounty stakes and membership.
4. We reserve the right to remove you from the Bitcoin 2 Bounty Campaign if we feel you're being dishonest, using BOTS or spamming social media or the forum.
5. We reserve the right to remove you from the Bitcoin 2 Bounty Campaign if you are banned or suspended on any services related to the Bitcoin 2 Bounty Campaign.
6. We reserve the right to change the rules and terms of the Bitcoin 2 Bounty Campaign at any time, with an official announcement following. However, if you already earned a tweet stake of 1 for example and after that we change the rates to 0.8 stakes, you would still get the 1 stake.
7. Discussing the bounty program outside this thread is prohibited and will result in a ban and earnings forfeited.
8. Spamming, scamming or unintelligent discussions in our channels will result in a ban.
9. Posting links or information to other projects or businesses will result in a ban and earnings forfeited.
The terms above apply to all groups, plus the rules to each specific group.
Terms & Conditions:
2. Post your submitted entries in this thread. Also provide links to all your posts and comments until 28th of June, 2018.
3. All posts and comments should not be any sort of trolling, defamation or spam links to other projects, or any other inappropriate comments.
4. You can post about Bitcoin 2 to any subreddit that you feel has an audience that could be interested in Bitcoin 2. But no posts in games, lending, politics, ponzi/scam, or micro earning type subreddit's will be allowed.
5. Posts and Comments with negative Karma will not be accepted.
Payment Structure
Upvote: 0.1 stake for each upvote of someone else's post on our subreddit | Maximum 1 per post.
Comment: 0.4 stakes for a useful or constructive comment | Maximum 3 comments per day
Post: 0.8 stakes for each post on our subreddit | Maximum 1 per day.
Post to other subreddits (but don't post to a subreddit of another non-bitcoin cryptocurrency such as r/ethereum) | Maximum 1 post per 2 days:
- if the subreddit has 100 - 900 subscribers: 1 stake.
- if the subreddit has 901 - 1999 subscribers: 1.5 stakes.
- if the subreddit has 2000+ subscribers: 2 stakes.
- r/CryptoCurrency: 10 stakes for the first well made post about Bitcoin 2 in that subreddit, 5 stakes otherwise.
- If we cannot find the post in the subreddit without a direct link to it (it got deleted or hidden but the direct link works), then the reward is only 10% of the normal amount.
Upvote of someone else's Bitcoin 2 related post on another subreddit: 0.2 stakes.
Comment to someone else's Bitcoin 2 related post on another subreddit: 0.8 stakes for a useful, natural or constructive comment
In order to join;
Fill out this form:
You need to report your entries every week.
Terms & Conditions:
1. You have to be an active Twitter user and follow @Bitc2org. Do not unfollow afterwards, as you will not be paid.
2. Your account must have a minimum of 120 followers.
3. Your Twitter account must be at least 1 month old.
4. Must have an audit score of at least 70%. Checked via
5. Must use at least 3 of any of these hashtags in your tweets: #Bitcoin2 #BTC2 or #btc2 #Crypto #Bitcoin #cryptocurrency #bitcoinfork #Bitcoin_2 #ProofOfStake #masternodes #zerocoin #decentralized.
6. If your account has #followback or a similar tag or more than 50% of your followers have a similar tag, then your twitter followers will be counted as 1/3 of the actual amount when determining the reward.
7. Max 1 tweet per day.
8. Max 1 like per tweet made by @Bitc2org
9. Max 2 retweets per day - spread out. The tweet should be about Bitcoin 2 but can also be by someone else than @Bitc2org.
10. Max 1 reply to a pinned tweet per day. Has to be useful and natural looking.
Payment Structure
The amount of stakes earned depends on the amount of followers you have on twitter:
120 - 499 followers = 0.4 stakes for tweet || 0.2 stakes for RT || 0.1 stakes for each like || 0.15 stakes for each reply to pinned tweets
500 - 1000 followers = 0.8 stakes for tweet || 0.4 stakes for RT || 0.1 stakes for each like || 0.25 stakes for each reply to pinned tweets
1000-3000 followers = 1.5 stakes for tweet || 0.75 stakes for RT || 0.15 stakes for each like || 0.45 stakes for each reply to pinned tweets
3001-6000 followers = 2 stakes for tweet || 1 stakes for RT || 0.15 stakes for each like || 0.6 stakes for each reply to pinned tweets
6001-10000 followers = 2.5 stakes for tweet || 1.25 stakes for RT || 0.2 stakes for each like || 0.75 stakes for each reply to pinned tweets
Over 10000 followers = 3 stakes for tweet || 1.5 stakes for RT || 0.2 stakes for each like || 0.9 stakes for each reply to pinned tweets
In order to join;
Fill out this form:
You need to report your entries every week.
Terms & Conditions:
1. You have to be an active Facebook user and like and follow Do not unlike/unfollow afterwards, as you will not be paid.
2. Your account must have a minimum of 150 friends/followers.
3. Your Facebook account must be real and at least 6 months old. The authenticity of each account will be checked.
4. Private posts (such as those in Private groups) that cannot be viewed by the campaign manager will not be eligible for payment.
5. Must use at least 3 of any of these hashtags in your posts: #Bitcoin2 #BTC2 or #btc2 #Crypto #Bitcoin #cryptocurrency #bitcoinfork #ProofOfStake #Masternodes and a link to our website or facebook page.
6. Comments and posts must not be spam, links to other projects, insults or inappropriate.
7. Post your actions done in this thread. Provide links to your posts and comments. Preferably on a weekly basis.
8. A group must have at least 150 members for a post to there to count.
9. Your posts and comments should be specified as public.
10. Max 1 post + 1 share per day and there should be other posts between your Bitcoin 2 related posts/shares in your profile, page or group.
11. Max 1 like per post. (Which you couldn't exceed without using more than one facebook account, which is not allowed anyway.)
Payment Structure
The amount of stakes earned depends on the amount of friends you have on facebook:
less than 250 friends+followers or group members = 0.4 stakes for post || 0.3 stakes for share || 0.1 stakes for each like of a Bitcoin 2 related post || 0.15 stakes for each useful/natural reply/comment.
250 - 500 friends+followers or group members = 0.8 stakes for post || 0.4 stakes for share || 0.1 stakes for each like of a Bitcoin 2 related post || 0.25 stakes for each useful/natural reply/comment.
501-1500 friends+followers or group members = 1.5 stakes for post || 0.75 stakes for share || 0.15 stakes for each like of a Bitcoin 2 related post || 0.45 stakes for each useful/natural reply/comment.
1501-3000 friends+followers or group members = 2 stakes for post || 1 stakes for share || 0.15 stakes for each like of a Bitcoin 2 related post || 0.6 stakes for each useful/natural reply/comment.
3001-6000 friends+followers or group members = 2.5 stakes for post || 1.25 stakes for share || 0.2 stakes for each like of a Bitcoin 2 related post || 0.75 stakes for each useful/natural reply/comment.
Over 6000 friends+followers or group members = 3 stakes for post || 1.5 stakes for share || 0.2 stakes for each like of a Bitcoin 2 related post || 0.9 stakes for each useful/natural reply/comment
In order to join;
Fill out this form:
You need to report your entries every week.
Terms & Conditions:
1. All videos must be at least 2 minutes long.
2. All videos must be unique content and uploaded to your own YouTube channel.
3. Your youtube channel should have at least 320 subscribers.
5. Your bitcointalk username should be mentioned in your video description to verify yourself as the actual video producer.
6. All videos should be related to Bitcoin 2 in some way and your voice should be clear. Low quality videos will not be accepted for payment.
7. We can review your video before posting if you want tips on how to increase our rating for it.
8. Links to all your videos must be posted in the form below and to this thread.
9. Maximum 1 video per 3 days.
Payment Structure
Rating: The video quality and the amount of subscribers, video comments and views affect the rating.
Low: 5 - 10 stakes
Medium: 11 - 20 stakes
High: 21 - 40 stakes
PRO: 41 - 80 stakes.
In order to join;
Fill out this form:
You need to report your entries in this thread.
Terms & Conditions:
1. Content is not platform specific. You can post on any platforms as long as you can verify yourself that you are the one who posted that content. (Mentioning your Bitcointalk username in the footnote area of your respective blog post is a good example of providing solid evidence)
2. All content must be original. Plagiarized contents will not be paid.
3. All articles must contain a link to the Bitcoin 2 website ( as well as to the ANN thread (
4. All articles should contain a minimum of 500 words.
5. Links to all posts must be posted in the form below.
Payment Structure
Rating: The post quality, number of words and number of referrals sent to affect the rating.
Low: 3 - 6 stakes
Medium: 7 - 14 stakes
High: 15 - 30 stakes
PRO: 31 - 60 stakes.
In order to join;
Fill out this form:
You need to report your entries in this thread.
Translation Campaign:
Terms & Conditions:
1. Machine translation such as Google translation will not be accepted.
2. Your bitcointalk membership level should allow you to post images. So you need to be at least Junior member. If you are a newbie, you can opt for copper membership to participate.
3. You must translate the ANN thread ( to your native language and post in your respective local board(s).
4. You need to make optimized .png files of the chart and the two PSD files and then upload them to or similar image sites, before posting in your local ANN thread. (You can use to optimize them for example.)
5. The language you are translating into, must have a local board in Bitcointalk. The following languages that have boards in Bitcointalk aren't needed and would not get paid: Swedish/Danish/Norwegian, Hebrew, Croatian. Also, posts in this board will not be eligible for payment:
6. Check status of translated threads here:
7. Do not translate in a language that is already done by someone else, as you will not be paid.
8. You can download the PSDs and chart to translate at:
Payment Structure
Each qualified translated ANN thread will earn at least 5 stakes.
Additional 1 stake will be paid out per translated update posts (from the main ANN thread) made on that local ANN thread. Currently there are no update posts to translate.
If your local ANN thread gets more than 15 replies, an additional 5 stakes will be rewarded.
In order to join;
Fill out this form:
You don't need to report your entries in this thread if you have filled the form correctly.
Signature Campaign:
Terms & Conditions:
1. Must be ranked Member or above to participate in this campaign.
2. Minimum 10 meaningful and useful posts per week.
3. Negative trust as well as banned members aren't eligible for joining in this campaign. During the campaign period, if you receive a valid negative trust from a member, or get banned by a moderator, you'll be disqualified immediately from the signature campaign.
5. You must not change the signature while you are participating in the campaign. You'll be monitored frequently by the campaign manager.
6. Posts in Games & Rounds, Off topic, Lending, Auctions, Archival, Investor based games, Micro earnings, Korean, Polski, Dutch, Română, Skandinavisk, "Other languages/locations", Hebrew, India, Croatian or Arabic will not be counted for payment.
7. Spam, "+1", flaming, single word (or image), short sentence, writing "bump" only, trolling, “me too”, “thanks”, smileys only - these posts will not be counted.
8. Wearing multiple signatures is not allowed. Anyone wearing multiple signatures will be kicked out from the campaign without payment.
9. Counted posts must have at least 70 characters. (excluding symbols, punctuation and smileys)
10. Posts in threads related to signature campaigns or bounty campaigns or on any contest threads will not be counted.
11. If you leave our campaign for another, please post in this thread to let us know. Not doing so with result in loss of stakes.
12. If the rank of a participant gets promoted, he will have to post here as a reminder for updating our spreadsheet.
○ Members: 6 Stakes/week
○ Full Members: 9 Stakes/week
○ Senior Members: 12 Stakes/week
○ Hero/Legendary Members: 14 Stakes/week
In order to join;
Fill out this form:
Username: Yuni comel
Bitcointalk profile:;u=1350925
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