Minggu, 04 April 2021

Mozart Finance



The development of the defi project that runs in the Smart Binance chain, which was launched in September 2020 and fostered the environment to develop high-performance decentralized applications (DAPPs). In addition, the smart binance chain was built for compatibility with binance chains to ensure a smooth operating system for users, one of which is Mozart Finance who made a piano token. The Smart Binance Chain offers smart contracts and compatibility functionality with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Leaving a high throughput of the binance chain has no big influence when introducing a smart contract to its ecosystem and encouraging the application of DAPPs. With the advantages provided by the Smart Binance chain now rank one in Debankdefi


Many projects deliberately do not audit smart contracts from the tokens they make. So that many investor funds are taken by the developer. What I know is $ 31 million from a scam on the project on a smart binance chain. There are more liquidity problems, unstable price pumps, inadequate combustion tokens, etc.


Mozart Finance itself is a Joose Finance branch that makes the piano token to make a deflation token like symphony.

For the deflation mechanism

  • 1% of each transaction will be scorched
  • 50% of the deposit costs will be used to buy back Piano tokens
  • Reduce emissions

By providing stable price pumps and adequate combustion systems. The most peting piano tokens have been audited by Immunebytes before presale.


Mozart finance embeds many features to help investors earn, with the first having being discussed above- yield farming and staking.

However, the platform will be introducing other excellent services like;

Decentralized betting- crypto-based gambling is gaining momentum today. Mozart is introducing a blockchain-based lottery system.

NFT- Non-fungible tokens have made vast growth in 2021 and will grow further in the future. Mozart aims to be part of that disruption by introducing NFT support in the future.

Top functional exchange platform- Mozart network will also be embedding an exchange network for investors trading benefits.

Crypto lending platform- In future, the platform will implant a lending platform and allow investors to earn interest at reasonable rates.

According to the platform’s medium page, community involvement is one of its future priorities.

IFO partnering with other vital projects


Mozart platform also introduces the platform’s auditing to ensure the system remains highly dependable and convenient for users. Already the first audit of the platform’s smart contract was completed a few days ago by ImmuneBytes.

Immunebytes is a startup blockchain security platform focusing on audits of smart contracts, security consulting, and penetration testing. The audits of Mozart’s systems by ImmuneBytes have shown much success; thus, it’s true that users’ security will be top-notch.

However, according to the recent release, the only audited section of the platform is the PIANO token audit. The platform is still working to receive three other reviews for their contracts in a few days. Presale should last a maximum of 5 days, but all pools will launch only when the audits are returned and affirmed.


The platform has set up a great token economics structure to ensure the public will have excellent access to the token and maintain the platform’s reliability. The original total supply of these tokens is 9.6 million, but currently, the minted tokens are 100,000 PIANO. These tokens will be participating in the initial launch of the pre-sale phase. Here is how the tokes are apportioned;


Ticker: PIANO

Contract : 0xd46936677B2C1Bb696F2b67c55239331E2b7Cd42

Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

Starting supply: 100.000 tokens

Public presale: 55.000 tokens

Liquidity lock: 40.000 tokens

Marketing: 5.000 tokens

Deflationary mechanism:

  • 1% of every transaction will be burned
  • 50% of the deposit fee will be used to buy back PIANO
  • Decreasing emission rate

You can check further details about our tokenomics on our gitbook here.

*Note : would like to stress out that the contract address that’s linked above is the only right one for our token PIANO. Please stay safe, scammers are often exploiting projects with hype around it.

Also, we’re proud to announce that our smart contracts are being audited as we speak. The audit is being carried out by ImmuneBytes. We estimate that the audit will be finished by 16th of March with presale launching just after the audit is done.

Invest in Mozart.Finance

The Mozart platform is soon launching as one of the most advanced BSC-based Defi networks with vast benefits. The platform will be launching with liquidity lockers for secure yield farming, staking and general investing.

Mozart will have its native token, PIANO, which will help run the platform’s activities over time. The platform institutes various policies to ensure PIANO remains deflationary. Thus investors will always feel safe over their investments.

The platform is audited by ImmuneByte, one of the best blockchain auditors to strengthen the platform’s security. Already the token is proven safe, but soon other reviews about the platform will be released. Mozart won’t start any yield farming till the audit reviews are released to assure investors of top security.

The platform is launching soon, therefore every investor should be ready to enjoy the benefits.


Urgent priority

  • Deployment of smart contracts
  • AUDIT before launch (by Hacken or Immunebytes)
  • Liquidity lock

High priority

  • Burn mechanism
  • High APR % gains
  • Integrating lottery
  • Second audit after the launch (in first 2–3 weeks)

Medium priority

  • Decentralized betting
  • NFT
  • IFO (in partnership with other projects)
  • Fully operational exchange
  • Lending
  • Community ideas

Disclaimer: this is not final, we will adjust according to our community needs.

Stay tuned.

Author: Batu permata

My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1875984

BSC Wallet: 0xB38D41f33bcfB36b083F6AC9078003e5F45f6525

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