Senin, 14 Januari 2019




Currency has been evolving throughout times. While before it was trading goods, now it is trading money. We are now on a revolutionary status. Globalization requires a more independent and decentralized system – quicker and easier transactions using our Apps and DApps. Our team’s goal is to provide the blockchain community with a simple and easy to-use management solution.  Everyone wants to be part of this extraordinary era and we all can contribute to it. Tenxcoin is part of the revolutionary wave of the 21st century – part of the starter pack!
Starts as Associate in Nursing Ethereum Token taking advantage of all the technology, usability and security provided by the Ethereum blockchain.Tenxcoin are the bottom currency all told our applications and code. BEST SOLUTIONS Mobile App Development. Advencement of IoT, E-Commerce and M-Commerce, Cloud-Driven Apps, increased Reality based mostly Apps. TenXcoin offer a replacement means for brands to directly have interaction with customers. Building a digital economy within our Apps and DApps users area unit able to earn TXC just by acting valuable actions. TenXcoin’s currency construct is extremely completely different from the others. the opposite currencies area unit in most cases solely employed in the speculation of exchanges and lose price. Others have terribly high-ticket mining systems that additionally cause abandonment. The TenXcoin mining system is economical and friendly to the setting as a result of it doesn’t got to be mined . The new coins area unit generated anytime it’s used and once somebody makes little transactions with TenXcoin. it’s the case to mention that solely people who have already got TenXcoin win.


Tenxcoin will be the base currency in all our applications and software. A connection will also be created for use in retail and POS software from other companies. We are already developing a connection to SAGE Point Of Sale.
Connection to Retail and Point of Sale software with indication of payment by QR Code.
Location Based Apps
You can choose your preferred places for shopping or fun…
No Profile DApps
You can find people or places indicating your personal preferences anonymously.
IoT Internet of Things
Network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software,
Our slogan:
10x better
10x faster
10x useful
Family and Social
Apps and DApps that facilitate communication and family security.


As TenXcoin expands its economy to incorporate cryptocurrency that holds real price each within and outdoors of the applications, the economic prospects for users area unit immensely increased. The soul of each blockchain project is that the community, and one in every of the best ways that to serve the community is thru giving them how to speak and use the token. TenXcoin’s team can fund the creation of Apps DApps and bots for varied chat services which can modify individuals to share their TXC simply with the remainder of the globe. Through facilitating this free flow of TXC, we are able to enhance utility whereas additionally participating and growing the community.


TenXcoin has set to adopt a suburbanised structure model to encourage the event of a digital services system that’s honest and open. To foster Associate in Nursing system that’s not solely open and suburbanised however additionally a lot of compelling than its ancient counterpart, TenXcoin should produce a series of latest merchandise, services, and systems.


Building a suburbanised system may be a complicated method, and therefore the transition thereto should be drained a measured and accountable over time. The first step is to make a replacement cryptocurrency: TXC. associated with the word “TenXcoin” and conveyance a sense of being connected to community, the TenXcoin identity and currency is meant specifically to bring individuals along during a new shared economy.


But merely making a digital currency isn’t enough. This cryptocurrency ought to be accepted in retail little business, in massive stores and repair suppliers and on-line payments. For a cryptocurrency to be viable, it should even be helpful and valuable. to ascertain Associate in Nursing economy round the new currency, TenXcoin should facilitate to ascertain TXC’s basic price. Building basic price TXC has been experimenting with sorts of in-app currency in Beta Apps and Dapps.


Users want to transfer TXC into and out of the TenXcoin applications are able to do thus by interacting with the general public Ethereum network, which can function the currency’s suburbanised settlement layer.
To add the token to your Ethereum case, enter the subsequent data when clicking the “add a token” button shown in your Ethereum wallet:
Contract Address: 0xc11551BB497875050b69A2FDCCC20A53a9a70263
Token Name: TenXcoin
Symbol: TXC
Decimals: 18


Tokens have already been generated and the plan for its use is the following:
Total Token Supply (fixed)100,000,000,000 ERC20 TXC Tokens
10% of total supply Private Sale, strategic people invitation.
10% of total supply Publique Sale
10% of total supply Ecosystem, used to bootstrap the coin Blockchain ecosystem including strategic partners and promotional marketing.
10% of total supply Apps and DApps building.
60% of total supply Community Reward Programs.
Author: Yuni comel

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