A Unique blockchain option for a product in a real industry
Polymer bituminous binders (PBB) what is that? Have you ever heard about that? To be honest, me not. But, actually we all know what is that.
PBB — is a polymer composite consisting of а high molecular weight petroleum solvent agent, polymers (rubber chips), fillers contained in a polymer, a protonated complex and various modifiers.
It is used almost in every thing surround us, like: roads, accumulator batteries, paints, cables and so on…
So product is definitely in high demand, also research of Sintec tells that: The demand for polymer bituminous binders is several times higher than the capacity of the plant, that will provide guaranteed sale of the product and return on investment.
Company itself is located in Skolkovo, Russian Federation. And project itself was developed at Moscow. The project is aimed at diversifying the economy of the municipal formations of the Kemerovo Region. I would say it Russia got a big experience of production and development of rubber/oil products, and it will be using of nanotechnologies, where no analogues exist in the world. As well, samples successfully passed technological tests in Russia and China. More technical, chemistry details you can find in business plan of Sintec, link you can find at the bottom of this blog.
Next question is how Sintec will use blochain technology in this project. Here is an answer:
To ensure the transparency of the financial and technological flows of the project, the blockchain electronic document management system (BEDMS) will be used on the basis of an electronic document circulation system with open source Alfresco Community Editions and database on the blockchain. All ongoing financial payments and deductions, contracts, internal project documents, internal documents of the project production invoices for production leave, will be signed electronically and registered in the blockchain (similar to BEDMS DocSensus of Deloitte). Any investor will be able to fully control all stages of project implementation, shipment of finished products, etc. To ensure protection against forgery and any manipulation of SINTEC products, each lot will be marked with a chemical marker with registration in the blockchain. Thus, if the products are used as an example for the production of roadway cover, it will always be possible to determine in which area the batch of products was used and from the calculation of the service life, it will be possible to plan repair and other types of work, and, accordingly, to plan financial costs for servicing organizations. If in the future, the tax service will use the blockchain technology, there will be no need to send any reports, as all information will be available in real time and fully transparent to any regulatory authorities.
Summarizing all of the above: Sintec will use blockchain to visibility of whole project and all steps of a product.
What I found really interesting — by buying 1 Sintec token, you buy 14 kg of PBB, so tokens got real value in product. Also Sintec pretend to be the first company that compensates lost profits in the case that the rate of invested cryptocurrencies rises. So basically there are almost no risk in case of rate change.
This is not the only one good thing what offer Sintec. There are few more to come:
By buying SINT tokens during the ICO, investors receive a guarantee that their initial investment will grow by over 100%. In order for this to happen, investors simply need to declare their intent to sell tokens at any time, starting March 2019
SINT tokens are backed by raw materials — polymer bituminous binders. Starting March 2019, any investors will be able to exchange his tokens for raw materials at the first demand
During the time of the ICO, the cost of 1 ton of raw materials will be fixed to 21 000 rub. If a request for a repurchase is submitted, and the cost of the raw material grows, then the cost of the token will grow proportionately
If the cost of the cryptocurrency that the investor used as an investment grows when SINT tokens are presented for a buyback, tokens will be able to be returned at the going rate. Thus, investing in SINT also means that you are investing in Bitcoin and Ethereum
If an investor decides to sell tokens immediately after March 2019. Then that investor will will earn 8.5% dividends per annum, credited each month
Sintec pretend to be one of most promising projects I ever reviewed and I am very excited about ICO.
ICO will start 25 January 2018 and involves a 30-day period. You will be able to use USD, BTC, ETH and other crypto-currencies to participate. Price is fixed, 1 SINT = 5 USD. But there are discounts for early investors:
1st day — 50% discount.
2nd day — 50% discount.
3rd day — 50% discount.
4th-6th day — 40% discount.
7th-13th day — 35% discount.
14th-20th- 30% discount.
27th- 30th- 25% discount.
So basically, 25 January 2018 price will be 2,5 USD for 1 SINT. Minimum amount of investment is 5 USD.
Project will use Ethereum blockchain platform and ERC20 token.
Total amount of tokens issued will be 13,200,000 from them 11,000,000 will be sold during ICO, and rest 2,200,000 tokens will be used to pay developers and bounties. Project requires 30 million $, we even can see for what:
1St stage:
The largest share belongs to the acquisition of a land plot (S=8,633 acres) with necessary infrastructure facilities — $5.1 million.
The project documentation — $0, 69 million
The construction of industrial and storage facilities — $ 4.95 million.
The construction of tanks for PBB, tar oil, fuel oil and reagents — $ 1.34 million.
The cost of production equipment is $ 10.72 million.
The acquisition of equipment — $ 2.01 million.
The operating expenses — $ 5.19 million.
So that way we got HardCap of 30 Million USD
(Information about stage 2 and 3 you can find in whitepapers)
And what else, Sintec gives you 100% Guarantee to double your investment by March 2019.
Unfortunately I´m not a high-tech specialist, but I believe project that is developed will have huge demand in future. So that way Sintec will be able to fulfill all guarantees and pay debts J
Double of investment in 1 year period might be not the biggest in Crypto World, but it is 100% guarantee, no one gave it before. So keep an eye on this project, and maybe mark 25/01/2018 in your calendar.
MoonLite.io presents an opportunity to hold a token in a new generation industrial-scale cryptomining operation that focuses on efficiency using Artificial Intelligence and Custom Algorithms, and profitability using low cost and clean energy sources. We will establish our data centers in countries where contractual supplies are clean and green, reliable, cost-effective, and politically stable.
The MoonLite project will operate in Crypto-Currency Mining space, and is planned to start with most of which is Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, DASH & Litecoin on an industrial scale. The operation will begin in August 2018, and aims to be in time, one of the larger global crypto mining companies.
MoonLite will incorporate a number of emerging technologies and systems that will work in synergy to maximize the benefits and efficiency of large-scale cryptomining. The proceeds from the mining operations will be divided as follows:
Dissolve percentage into fiat currency for operational costs and traditional investment, re-invest ad-hoc into operation, and crypto & blockchain other opportunities
Maintaining a certain percentage of crypto-currency for the appreciation and value of investments through, investing in some crypto hedge funds, and investments despite other traditional investment channels
Maintain a certain percentage of the crypto currency to be used for purchase planning and expansion of equipment.
Currency Flow
All mined currencies (rewards) will be paid at the specified threshold. This threshold will be set up so that gift payments are made daily, or twice a day. These payments will be paid from the mining pool to our hot purse with multi-sig requirements for each currency.
At the end of each day, or as often as necessary, the full contents of the hot wallet will be transferred to our cool wallet for secure storage. We will have cool wallets for every currency, and have a spare wallet in case of theft, damage or failure of the main wallet. All private keys will be stored in the safe at our bank.
There will be no copies of the private key stored, printed or stored elsewhere. Periodically, but at least 2 weeks, MoonLite will liquidate 60% of the newly mined currency into the currency of the currency. This will be used for payment of operational costs to vendors who do not accept bitcoin as a method of payment. The fiat currency balance will be invested in traditional investment and invested through our investment arm, Capitevo Investments.
20% of the mined currency will be retained, and will be fenced off for the purchase of additional equipment to expand operations
20% of the mined currency will be stored in cold wallet and considered an investment in crypto currency, and actively traded by our dedicated crypto merchant team.
This opportunity lies in the ability to generate significant profits from large-scale mining agriculture because the level of difficulty has stabilized for many currencies. Other currencies are still at a relatively low level of difficulty and it is a fantastic opportunity for new miners with appropriate sized operations.
MoonLite will dedicate ASIC and special equipment to mine:
Bitcoin, and bitcoin derivatives
DASH (former Dark Coin)
Ethereum, depending on profitability at the time
MoonLite will fill this gap by handling currency demand by mining on a properly sized mining farm. Our planned capacity is as follows:
Mission MoonLite
MoonLite mining aims to add value to all token holders using the latest technology, launched in the most efficient manner, and run by the most appropriate team to meet and exceed all performance and growth targets.
MoonLite will embrace young people, technology, fun, and aim to be the best talent-making company available. We embrace Blockchain Technology, and will continue to advance companies and teams in parallel.
We invite you to make history in crypto currency and mining space by investing in the creation of one of the largest and most unique mining farms in the world. That The uniqueness of our mines will help us resolve a number of mining issues, such as cooling, power consumption and the construction of capital facilities. MoonLite will publish MoonLite Tokens (MNL) through an audited and tested smart contract
Core Competence and Strength
Strength will be achieved in the introduction and maintenance of security and redundancy measures:
Some stable currencies are mined
Some pools are managed, as well as local nodes
Some power supplies and internet connection
Some mining sites
Backup server
Some cool and cold storage wallets
Backup PSU, hardware, and system
Only the best talents will be invited to become part of the team, and will experience in all parts of cryptography, networking, and hardware maintenance. The company will be highly capitalized, and highly liquid, while generating significant operational benefits under an effective and goal-oriented management team.
Market capitalization for the floated currency:
The currency after being mined will be broken up as described previously. The portion of the currency to be liquidated will be sold on the exchange because there is an increasing supply of individuals and companies asking to buy crypto currency for trade and investment. This request is not expected to subside.
Mining currency :
Bitcoin: $252,419,830,420
Bitcoin Cash: $41,558,084,293
Ethereum: $93,405,070,461
DASH: $8,964,815,433
Litecoin: $12,743,719,310
Our mining operations will not have significant market share in global mining operations; however will be the largest mining operation in South Africa, we will easily be able to expand further due to the excellent and lively nature of the operation.
Data Center Summary
Our first data center will initially be leased, with a non-mandatory option provided in the future. Our Data Center will be located using the following strategies:
Close to the main relay station
Preference for cleaning and renewing energy
Large open warehouse
Separate and secure office space
In areas with surplus energy available on the local grid (without the need
for upgraded urban infrastructure)
Within safe limits
Working with English speaking team members
If there is an increase in energy tariff or other market risk, Moonlite will be tougher and will remain in the market while other miners out. In a way, this will have a beneficial effect on our mining and profit difficulties:
The currency will be liquidated into paper currency and traditionally invested, and through the investment arm of the group.
Currencies not allocated statically will be invested through crypto-hedge funds
Increase in the value of a retained currency
Earnings from crypto currency trading are active by our dedicated trading team
Sell currencies when prices are high, Buy equipment when prices are low
By incorporating the above as described, with our data centers trading under the operational price curve due to low operating and energy costs, we will be able to hedge against downside risks and currency devaluations while still taking advantage of opportunities to benefit from increase in foreign currency exchange rates.
Strategy MoonLite
The cost of manpower and human resources is kept to a minimum — mined in areas with low electricity costs
Mine on an industrial scale and utilize economies of scale and
proportionally reduce overhead costs
The largest and most stable currency mine uses the most efficient equipment
Mining in several pools, and home nodes for each currency
Expansion policy and aggressive equipment replacement
Redundancy is built into every system
The results are split into a ratio of 60:20:20
Simple Business Model
Revenue will be generated by:
The equipment will be configured to mine in the most efficient way, using a combination of public mining pools, and custom nodes (part of the pool) within our local network.
Establish a data center in a location where there is an appropriate and stable supply of energy at an effective cost level. Data centers can be consolidated or moved to more suitable locations as the business grows. Each data center will be an independent facility with its own operational staff, power source, high speed broadband internet connection, etc. server
Each machine will be monitored and operated using special mining management software. It enables easy and effective performance monitoring on local and remote bases, and mass adjustment of miner settings (such as stratum info). Minimum uptime of at least 90% is required from the team.
Performance is monitored and adjusted by the team 24 hours a day.
Equipment Replacement Policy:
As mining difficulty levels increase and manufacturers release more powerful and efficient equipment, we will replace existing equipment with new versions. Old equipment will be sold in local and international markets using online and offline methods. Upgrading of this equipment will be planned to be a cash positive (ie, no downtime) and will be done in large quantities. The reason for the upgrade is to keep profitability ‘keep on increasing’ despite the increasing difficulty level.
MoonLite will use the following security measures:
Perimeter safe walls with appropriate fencing (thorny, spiked, etc. electric)
CCTV inside and outside the data center Biometric access to the facility and separately the data center floor is limited to certain individuals
Strict visitor tag and control system
Security guards and security patrols
Separate the security office with the control room personnel
Dedicated server firewall for our mining floor
There is no external access via a hard cable or wireless connection to the mining network
Critical Success Factors and Assumptions
Companies need to keep on updating equipment to upgrade or maintain available hash levels to keep up with the increasing level of mining difficulty.
Revenues are based on businesses that maintain an increasing difficulty level of volatile currencies such as DASH. The risk is offset by a stable mining currency such as BTC, but focusing on maintaining a steady income level should be paramount
Maintain energy supply that is cost effective
Maintain costs according to the projected cash flow / budget
Uptime of overall equipment at 90% +
Additional equipment after stage 1 will only be purchased with mining proceeds
Maintain a healthy cash surplus
Modal Distribution
The allocation of capital will be broken down into the following:
Operating Assets 28.00% = $ 4 200 000.00
Operational Reserves 13.33% = $ 2 000 000.00
Advisory Team 2.00% = $ 300,000.00
Reserve 56.67% = $ 8 500 000.00
It should be noted that such equipment can be easily sold in local and international markets at the same purchase price due to high demand and low supply of miners. This is a good protection against the risks of project downturn and failure. Cash in hand will be used to cover unplanned costs and possible ad-hoc expansions to other data centers. This value is immediately liquid and not risky.
Team Structure
Data Center Team:
3–5 years of IT technical experience and network Responsible for:
Fixed hardware errors if possible
Ensure miners and data center up time
Maintain a specific server role
Affects changes to miners
Monitor miners and mining statistics
Daily reporting to operations manager
Cables and networks
Data Center General Manager:
Planning changes to be made on the miners (pool, stratum, knot, etc.)
8 years + experience in IT systems and 5 years + experience in managing teams
Report to the director and be responsible for all operations
Ensure group uptime and targets are met
Supply and management of electric power
Maintain all server roles
Cost management and suppliers (reservations)
Permanent performance monitoring
Manage data center teams
System and network auditing
Monitor and refine goals and objectives
Financial management of Fiat and Crypto currencies
Ensure that operations are in the established growth plan
Planning data center and new equipment
Supplier and client relationship management
Asset management
Make sure all targets are met
Sales of crypto currency
Currency investment
Supervision over all operations
Form part of the board of the international holding company
Operational plan
All ASIC equipment required for mining operations will be sourced directly from the manufacturer at the time of the product batch release due to our order scale. The order will be sent to the data center and delivered to the warehouse where the data center will be set up. MoonLite will purchase equipment in large volumes to qualify for direct sales with manufacturing, and also take advantage of better pricing and the establishment of a good long-term relationship. We have established good relationships with the Sales and High Management Department on our equipment suppliers, ie
Bitmain Technologies — the world’s largest producer of ASIC mining equipment
Bit Fury — ASIC engine manufacturer with the highest Hash rate in the world
Pin idea — Manufacturer of AS11 X11 equipment
By securing this connection provides Moonlite with:
The planned delivery date and confirmed, give us
operational security and knowledge that our launch plan will stay on track
The highest level of support
Knowledge and first choice for procurement of new equipment
Direct access and contact with all levels of the organization of each supplier
Peralatan yang akan digunakan akan terdiri dari berbagai kombinasi penambang ASIC berikut ini:
Bit Fury B8 Mining Server — 47 TH / s
Bitmain Antminer S9–14th / s
Bitmain Antminer D3–15GH / s
Bitmain Antminer L3 + — 504MH / s
Pinidea DR100–19GH / s
On occasions such as when a manufacturer has sold supplies, emergencies, and other immediate requirements, the equipment may be purchased from the wholesaler. All equipment will be purchased in bitcoin, or other acceptable crypto currency. The equipment will remain on the balance sheet of the company (free of finance costs) as a hedge against the failure of the project as most of the investment capital will be used for the purchase of mining equipment.
Roadmap MoonLite
Concept & Refinement Development February 2017
The Pre-Sale Seed Funding Stage begins — The White Paper and Website are released November 24, 2017
Iron Phase For Sale Previous closed 05 January 2018
Intelligent Contract Audit Results Released January 10, 2018
Phase 1 Pre-Public Sale Opens (100% -300% Bonus Token) 05 January 2018 at 12:00 GMT
Phase 1 of Pre-Sale Closes & Phase 2 Unlock (50% Bonus Token) January 31, 2018 at 12:00 GMT
Pre-Sale Phase 2 Closes
February 14, 2018
Main Sale of ICO Opened
February 28th at 12:00 GMT
ICO Closes
March 15, 2018 at 12:00
Start Data Center 02 Apil 2018
Installation and Mining Networks Begins
July 02, 2018
Moonlite will provide the following assurance to investors regarding the delivery of the project:
Appointment and commissioning of independent and respected auditors
to audit and periodically report progress on project milestones
Distribution of formal supplier commitment with respect to volume and
the date of delivery of our equipment
Weekly progress updates through all of our social media channels and email newsletters